As explained in a previous article, Studio Bandera, on behalf of the international association of aluminium radiators manufacturers, AIRAL Scrl, filed in 2011 an anti-dumping complaint relative to the imports of aluminium radiators for heating from the People’s Republic of China into the EU.

On 29th October 2012, the European Commission upheld Studio Bandera’s complaint by imposing an anti-dumping duty for the duration of five years.

In June 2017, in preparation for the expiry of the anti-dumping duty, Studio Bandera assumed again the defense of the association AIRAL Scrl, by preparing a complex motion for the duty renewal in order to prevent the risk of recurrence of injury to the Union Industry.

On 15th January 2019, the Implementing Regulation was published in the Official Journal of the European Union, reimposing an anti-dumping duty on aluminium radiators, a measure designed to protect EU production from the unfair competition of Chinese companies.

The measure exactly replicates the one implemented in 2012 and will once again have a five-year duration: the anti-dumping duty ranges between 12.6 % and 61.4 % applicable to the net price.